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Beitrittsdatum: 14. Mai 2022


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Minaj told the magazine that she’s been confused about her sexuality since she was a teenager and that she’s been “[exploring] who I am” as an adult.“I had to figure out if I was gay or straight or bi. Because I’m bi. I love men. I love women,” she said. “I’ve been confused about my sexuality.”Minaj goes on to say that she thinks she “has kind of always been attracted” to both men and women and that she’s learned to embrace her sexuality.While Minaj’s comments weren’t completely surprising, there was still a great deal of backlash on Twitter. The subject of sexuality has been a major talking point in recent years, with a great deal of attention being paid to transgender people who identify as women and have had gender reassignment surgery.“The life you live is the life you choose,” Minaj told the magazine. “I want to be the girl who looks at a guy in the eye and stares him down, says: ‘I want you.’ But that’s just me.”The issue with Minaj’s comments is the insinuation that it’s only trans women who feel that way. There’s a big difference between “being confused about your sexuality” and “loving women and men.” As a transgender woman, I think it’s wrong to imply that trans women have a certain sexual orientation and that a woman who identifies as straight can’t love trans men. If Minaj is going to make remarks about sexuality, she should be open to talking about the LGBT community as a whole.The sad part of this issue is that Minaj’s interview was perfectly fine — it was only her statements about sexuality that seemed to spark backlash. She’s free to talk about how she feels and she’s free to talk about her own experience, but this is an example of why it’s so important to be respectful about your own sexuality and to not put other people in a box. While Minaj’s experiences are not anyone’s to speak on, it’s clear that she’s thought long and hard about the issue of her own sexuality and that it’s okay to be vocal about it. While some people may not like what she




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